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Miscellaneous Stuff

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This is still under construction, but I plan to place all those items that I think are interesting but don't really fit any of the other categories.

I may also put drawings or artwork I have done here. I really have not figured it out completely what I want deposited here yet. So far, I have just put a few miscellaneous short stories, personal exeriences and a photo essay.

1. Merriam-Webster Dictionary Search Engine

This is a free search engine link that I picked up off the Internet. It also includes a thesaurus search engine. It's free...why not?

2. My Obsession with My Heart and Blood Pressure

This is a very long and boring documentation of how my family's history of heart problems and my recent diagnosis of high blood pressure affected my interest in the sport of running, and explains the detection and treatment of high blood pressure. Don't read this unless you are dying of a heart ailment or really hired up for something to read. I think I wrote this after taking too many blood pressure pills or something!

3 .A Monk for Three Days at a Mountain Temple

This is a story about an adventure I had in Thailand when I spent three days in a Buddhist temple. I think you will find this one interesting, but you will have to be the judge of that.

4. Wine Vineyard in Isaan? You Gotta be Kidding!

If you ever plan on traveling to Thailand, and you happen to like wine with your meals, then this is a must-read article. It tells you some interesting facts about the wine industry in Thailand.

5. Commonality of the Water Buffalo and Indiana Cow

This is a strange one. I think it will make most people laugh. I have an unusual talent of being able to talk to cows. This story tells about how I tested that talent in Thailand during one visit.

6. Faces Along a Khon Kaen Alley

This is a photo essay that explains some of the people and activities that I met and experienced along an alley in downtown Khon Kaen, Thailand. I took the photos with a very good high-resolution Nikon digital camera, so if you like to see close-up detail of real Thai people and places, I think you will like looking at these photos.

7. Boy Do I Feel Stupid

This is an essay I wrote regarding my understanding of the Creation process analyzed from both a theological and scientific point of view. Although intentionally humorous in parts, it gets really deep into science and complicated cosmology theories. It covers both Evolution and theoretical views on the process used to create all the matter of the Universe. Bottom line--It exposes how little I really know about the subject.

8. When is a Dog Worth $4200?

This is a short story about my dog Jo-Jo. The old saying that "a dog is a man's best friend" certainly rings true in my case. She is like a member of the family. She nearly died recently. It would have broken my heart. I captured some of my feelings here.

9. Obesity--A Growing Epidemic

This is an article I wrote after reading in the news the alarming rate with which Americans are becoming obese. I might have fallen victim to this tendancy myself, had I not worked to erase and take steps to prevent the extra pounds that gradually accumulate as we age. I know firsthand how each of us must take charge of our lives and health to prevent us from becoming a part of the obesity statistics. It's a far more common problem than most people would expect. This article discusses the issue from every angle.

11. UFO on Allgood Road

This may ruin my credibility forever, but I have written the story anyway. It is based on a real life experience that I had nearly 20 years ago.

12. Nashville 1/2 Marathon

Every year, Nashville hosts a Country Music Half Marathon and Full Marathon event. I had never run in the event before at either distance. In fact, I had not run in a race for many years. I ran this time, because I was invited by my daughter-in-law to run with her. This is a story about that event. It includes photos. It may be boring to non-runners or non-family members.